Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Projects

Thanks to my new addiction to Pinterest, I have spent most of my summer obsessing thinking about what I want my classroom to look like this year.  My vow is to be VERY organized, and to keep it that way.  I am tired of all of my piles everywhere, and not being able to find something quickly.  So, I have been organizing, and creating things for my classroom.  I am almost finished with the 22 drawer organizer that many people have posted about.  I will definitely share pictures when it is 100% complete!  I have also been working on a slew of other things, photos to come!  I am SO excited to have all of these "new" resources to use!  I can't wait for school to start so I can use them, but I can wait for it to start, because I have been spoiled and sleeping in!  Oh well!  :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

First Post!

Here is the first post on my new blog!  :)  I am a 3rd grade teacher in Colorado.  I love 3rd grade.  I have also taught 1st and 2nd grade.  3rd is definitely my favorite.  I love teaching!  This summer, I have been stalking teaching blogs, and getting great ideas for ways to improve my classroom!  I will definitely have to post pictures of projects that I am working on, as well as things that have inspired me!  Thank you for reading my blog!